Dwight Lewis
December 2, 2020, 2:30pm (Zoom)
Dwight K Lewis Jr, an assistant professor of philosophy at the University of Central Florida, spent the previous academic year as a Postdoctoral Mellon Fellow at Pennsylvania State University where he began work on a manuscript about Anton Wilhelm Amo’s philosophical system, life, and legacy. Prior to that, he received his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of South Florida – working under Roger Ariew and Justin EH Smith in the History of Philosophy – while holding a Mellon Fellowship at Emory University in the James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race and Difference. His research interrogates philosophy through a historical lens; he focuses on the Early Modern Period, Africana Philosophy, the Philosophical Canon, and the discipline of philosophy. He attempts to live his life as James Baldwin says, “larger, freer, and more loving”, for himself and in relation to his community, both locally and globally. Larger, Freer, More Loving is also the name of his podcast with Matt LaVine. Enjoy life! Love yourself! Don’t let people stay in your life that don’t care about you and show it!