Month: March 2023

EUROTECH recognized for its DEI work in STEM by INSIGHT Into Diversity Magazine

The September 2022 issue of INSIGHT Into Diversity Magazine devotes the majority of its space to an important award in STEM: “INSIGHT highlights innovative higher education institutions and organizations working to recruit and retain underrepresented individuals in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and beyond with our 2022 Inspiring Programs in STEM Award.” This year, UConn’s dual-degree EUROTECH program is among the recipients, and we wish to celebrate, first and foremost, our amazing students in the program and thank all those who contribute to the ongoing success of EUROTECH, especially the School of Engineering and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

To quote from the issue’s introduction:

Among this year’s winners are programs that engage students in a rich array of educational experiences across STEM. Whether it is providing girls and women with hands-on activities aimed at building an interest in research, assisting underserved students in applying to medical school, or offering enrichment and professional development opportunities to underrepresented faculty and staff, the recipients of the 2022 Inspiring Programs in STEM Award have demonstrated inventiveness and dedication in supporting a new generation of high-achieving scholars and professionals.